You do not have to steer clear of credit cards completely just because you aren’t sure how make them work hard for you. Some credit cards are designed to make things easy for consumers like you and I, while others on the market are fraught with complex series of hoops and challenges when it comes to letting cardholders earn and enjoy their rewards. Are you just getting started with credit cards? If so, you might want to consider the following three cashback credit cards we’ve rounded out for you. They are some of the most, if not the most, straightforward credit cards in Singapore.
1. The American Express® True Cashback Card
The American Express® True Cashback Card is a fuss-free credit card that rewards you with a flat rate cashback on all your purchases, no matter whether you are spending on groceries at the supermarket, dining at restaurants or booking holiday travels online.
This credit card lets you earn 1.5% cashback on literally everything under the sun and your cash rebates earned in a statement month will be automatically credited to your account in that particular statement month as a statement credit to offset your credit card bill. If you are a new cardmember, you can enjoy 3% cashback for the first 6 months on up to $5,000 spend.
There is no minimum spend required in order to earn cashback and no limit to how much cash back you can earn. The only thing that isn’t quite perfect with this credit card is the fact that it does not let you earn cashback on purchases made in foreign currencies.
The American Express® True Cashback Card is a no-fuss cashback credit card that also offers a range of American Express perks and promotions that you may take advantage of, such as dining deals, travel and hotel promotions, shopping offers, American Express Selects benefits, American Express Global Assist, and 24/7 customer care.
This credit card has a S$171.20 annual fee (inclusive of GST), waived for the first year. Your first 2 supplementary cards will enjoy perpetual fee waiver, too. Singaporeans and PRs are required to have a minimum annual income of at least S$30,000 in order to apply for the credit card. Expatriates, on the other hand, need to be making at least S$60,000 or more per annum to be eligible for this credit card.
2. Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card
Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card is an equally no-fuss cashback credit card that is a breeze to use. It lets you enjoy a flat rate 1.5% cashback on all your spending, without minimum spend nor cashback cap. No matter whether you are spending on beach holidays, buffet feasts, a new wardrobe, books from your favourite authors etc, the more you use this credit card to pay for purchases, the more cashback you can expect to earn.
The cashback that you earn in a statement month will shown in that month’s credit card statement although it will only be automatically credited to your principal card account in the following statement cycle month. Similar to The American Express® True Cashback Card, the cashback earned from using Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card will be used to offset your credit card bill.
One quick note – Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card lets you earn cashback on foreign currency transactions. While you still have to pay a myriad of fees tacked on to foreign currency transactions made on your credit card, the cashback that you can earn will help shave some of those costs. We’d like to think that a little savings here and there is better than none.
Besides rewarding you with cashback, Standard Chartered Unlimited Cashback Credit Card also doubles as your ez-link card. It offers a slew of 1-for-1 privileges, The Good Life® privileges, savings on fuel purchases and uber rides, complimentary parking at TANG PLAZA (terms apply), along with features such as recurring payment plan, 0% interest instalment plan and more.
This credit card has a $192.60 annual fee (including GST), waived for the first 2 years. Singaporeans and PRs interested in getting this credit card only need to have a minimum annual income of S$30,000. Foreigners with Employment Passes on the other hand are required to have a minimum annual income of S$60,000.
3. OCBC 365 Credit Card
OCBC 365 Credit Card is yet another great cashback credit card that rewards you with cashback on your daily spend all year round. If you spend a total of S$600 on posted transactions in a calendar month, you can expect to earn 6% cashback on weekend dining locally; 3% cashback on overseas dining worldwide and 3% cashback on weekday dining locally; 3% cashback at supermarkets islandwide in Singapore; 3% cashback on recurring telco bills from SingTel, StarHub or M1; 3% cashback on online shopping; up to 23% on fuel savings at Caltex and 5% cashback on fuel purchases at all other petrol service stations in Singapore.
OCBC 365 Credit Card lets you earn 0.3% cashback on all other spending as well. Although the total cashback you can earn per calendar month is capped at S$80, this credit card is still a stellar one that many can take advantage of so long as they charge most or all their purchases to this credit card. Remember, the key to earning at the high cashback rates lie in chalking up a minimum spend of at least S$600 in a calendar month! All cashback earned will be credited into your principal card account in the following month.
Also, if you happen to be an OCBC Bank Child Development Account Trustee, you can also earn 3% cashback on medical spend transacted over the counter at all hospital, medical and dental clinics in Singapore. Other terms may apply.
Other perks that OCBC 365 Credit Card offer include free travel insurance of up to $200,000 (terms apply), 24/7 Visa Signature Concierge and a myriad of other Visa Signature privileges.
This credit card has a S$192.60 annual fee, waived for the first 2 years. Singaporeans and PRs who are keen on getting this credit card only have to earn at least S$30,000 per annum while foreigners have to earn S$45,000 and above per annum to be eligible for the credit card.
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Led by a team with invaluable expertise across Singapore’s licensed moneylending, banking, and finance industries, CompareSing provides users with a streamlined yet informative experience at every step of their loan journey.